Support All Around
To create space. Early decision making. Accuracy of Pass. Support Position.
Grid size dependent on age group and quantity of players.
12 Plus Players: 50 x 40
10-11 Players: 40 x 30
Ideal: 7 vs 4 in the grid.
On the outside of the grid in the center of each straight line put a cone.
Either group to start with the ball.
To create space. Early decision making. Accuracy of Pass. Support Position.
Grid size dependent on age group and quantity of players.
12 Plus Players: 50 x 40
10-11 Players: 40 x 30
Ideal: 7 vs 4 in the grid.
On the outside of the grid in the center of each straight line put a cone.
Either group to start with the ball.
Who ever has the ball can use the players at the cones as there team.
Start by using 4 touches for the team with 7 and 3 touches with the team with 4 players.
Stop and start the session as per UEFA style. This way you can prompt the players for proposals. Demos are vital make sure you do this.
Ask the players not to rush a pass, but to be supported by others.
When you feel this is done. Do the same with unlimited touches and see if they have learned to move and pass efficiently.
Start by using 4 touches for the team with 7 and 3 touches with the team with 4 players.
Stop and start the session as per UEFA style. This way you can prompt the players for proposals. Demos are vital make sure you do this.
Ask the players not to rush a pass, but to be supported by others.
When you feel this is done. Do the same with unlimited touches and see if they have learned to move and pass efficiently.