Goalie Push-Up Game
Shooting drill that incorporates shooting, goalkeeping, pressure, thinking, timing, and fitness all in one!
Players each with a ball, line up in the shooters line (you, as the coach will decide where the shooters line will be), one at a time the players dribble into an area where they must take a shot on goal. If a goal is scored, the goalie must quickly do a push up. If the shooter misses the goal or the goalkeeper makes their third save, then the shooter becomes the next goalie and the previous goalie collects the ball and joins the shooters line.
This drill is most effective when the players are forced to think quickly. Limit the players to just two seconds between shots and if the shooters line ever runs out of players, then additional fitness will be added. Conditions such as these will encourage the players to quickly collect the balls after shooting and get back in line. Also, the players will communicate with each other, telling those in the shooters line to use the full two seconds when the line is getting smaller so they can get back into the line before they run out of players and have to do additional fitness.
As the coach you can set the tone for this drill, encouraging players to quickly get the shot off while the goalie is doing a push up or while the new goalie is still running toward the goal to be the next goalie. Instruct the goalies to look at the shooter while doing their push up.
Players each with a ball, line up in the shooters line (you, as the coach will decide where the shooters line will be), one at a time the players dribble into an area where they must take a shot on goal. If a goal is scored, the goalie must quickly do a push up. If the shooter misses the goal or the goalkeeper makes their third save, then the shooter becomes the next goalie and the previous goalie collects the ball and joins the shooters line.
This drill is most effective when the players are forced to think quickly. Limit the players to just two seconds between shots and if the shooters line ever runs out of players, then additional fitness will be added. Conditions such as these will encourage the players to quickly collect the balls after shooting and get back in line. Also, the players will communicate with each other, telling those in the shooters line to use the full two seconds when the line is getting smaller so they can get back into the line before they run out of players and have to do additional fitness.
As the coach you can set the tone for this drill, encouraging players to quickly get the shot off while the goalie is doing a push up or while the new goalie is still running toward the goal to be the next goalie. Instruct the goalies to look at the shooter while doing their push up.
Variations: Various angles on goal for the shooters, right footed and left footed shots, short and long distance shots, ball must be moving at time the shot is taken, limit touches prior to the shot, dribble through cones prior to taking the shot...
In cases when the players enjoy playing goalie so much that they miss their shot on purpose, then change the conditions of the game. One great adjustment is to notify the players that they need to score a goal to become the next goalie, thus the name of the next drill becomes "Score To Be Goalie."
In cases when the players enjoy playing goalie so much that they miss their shot on purpose, then change the conditions of the game. One great adjustment is to notify the players that they need to score a goal to become the next goalie, thus the name of the next drill becomes "Score To Be Goalie."