How do I contact a private coach?
How do I add my coaching profile?
How do I change, delete, or pause my coaching profile?
Below are some suggestions on how to use our referral service:
Read private coaches' profiles: Read private coaches' profiles by clicking on the link "Find Private Coaches." Each profile should include, but not limited to: the city or location of the coach, the coach's name, contact information, and references.
Contact coaches via email: In most cases, coaches provide an email address for initial contact, allowing you to make the initial contact.
Telephone the coach: You may choose to speak with the private coach by telephone, which requires an investment by both parties, and allows for discussion of particulars. For the safety of minors, telephone contact should be made by adults only.
Check the references: Find out what others have to say about the private coach, before you meet them. Use the coaches' references to aid in your search for a qualified private coach. If a telephone number is provided in the reference, use it. If no telephone number is included in the reference, request one by email.
Meet the coach: Once you've made contact, have checked the references, have familiarized yourself with the private coach, and have decided to meet the coach, be sure to use common sense and meet in a safe, public environment. Anytime a minor is meeting with a private coach, it should be done so with an adult chaperone.
Maintain Referral Service Integrity: Operating with integrity, we ask that you notify PrivateCoaches.com, anytime you suspect a private coach has been falsely represented in their PrivateCoaches.com profile or has not lived up to your expectations. Notify PrivateCoaches.com by sending a detailed email to: privatecoaches@gmail.com